Formulaic Docs

Basic Authentication Usage

The auth module includes some basic decorators for standard role-based authentication control, applied via a Nest guard.

If you are using CASL or another more powerful authorization flow, you may wish to skip this section and go directly to more advanced usage.

Guard Configuration

Require Authentication

Users can be required to have (any) valid authentication provided to access a route.

Annotate with @Private(), or if you set defaultPolicy: "deny", mark routes that do not require authentication with @Public().

Require Roles

Use @RequireRoles() to require users to have all of the roles listed.

Alternatively, use RequireOneOfRole to offer a list of roles that users must have one or more of to access the route.


You can use parameter decorators to fetch various details parsed from authentication.

By default, all parameter decorators return undefined if the user wasn’t authenticated - either annotate with @Private(), or provide an argument true to the decorator.

The decorator will throw an error if it was unable to fetch the value in required mode.

Current ID

Use @CurrentUserId() to get the ID of the current user.

export class TestController {

  public async currentUser(
    @CurrentUserId() id: string | undefined,
  ) {}

  public async requireCurrentUser(
    @CurrentUserId(true) id: string,
  ) {}
